Charleston Balance Due


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Headbangers Brawl Tournament Breakdown

What do you get for your hard earned cash?

  1. A Draft Party. This is where we sit down and pick the teams for the tournament. Typically we hold the draft 60 days prior to the tournament so that everyone can get the desired size and number on their jersey. The free beer flows while the draft takes twists and turns based on strategy and the use of the ever popular F*#K That pass. The draft is held at a local establishment and has a zoom presence for those who cannot attend, one of the highlights of the experience.  
  2. Exclusive Headbangers Brawl Designed Jersey and socks to keep, in your desired size and sporting your favorite number. Sorry no names on these bad boys.
  3. A Jersey Pickup Party. This party is held at a local establishment the day before the tournament starts. Come get your jersey and socks, meet your teammates and have some beers on Headbangers Brawl. This party kicks off the weekend and really never ends until the rings go on the champs fingers !
  4. Rock Star of the game awards. Each team will have a Rockstar of the game announced after each game, those Rockstar's can get free swag from the Rock Star treasure chest located at the merchandise booth. 
  5. Team Awards  Headbangers Brawl awards the winners of each Medal game with a Wood, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Silver medals with the Tournament Champions getting Gold Rings !
  6. Brawl Special Playoff Format – Every team has a chance to win a trophy with our playoff format. Winner Take All in the playoffs, losers gets nothing !

Division 1            Division 2

1st           VS           1st           winner take all for the Gold "Ring"

2nd         VS           2nd          winner take all for the Silver Medal

3rd          VS           3rd           winner take all for the Bronze Medal

4th          VS           4th           winner take all for the Wood Medal

5th         VS          5th           winner gets the Toilet Bowl       "In a ten team format"

  • 4 games guaranteed with a possible 5th game
  • Lots of pictures and tournament merchandise available.
  • Fun with new and old friends in new cities….A hockey weekend to remember.

The Ratings:

We put a lot of time in this and have a historical database. We start by giving every player a rating 1-15 based on our discovery. We also will have rating sheets at the rink so that you can rate players in real time as they skate. This will help with future Brawls if someone in under or over rated.

Rating 14-15= "The Rock Stars" - These players are upper C level or higher talented players. These high rated  players will be on the "potential ringer list" These folks are certainly welcome into Headbangers Brawl but must "get it " That this is not a ultra competitive, win at all cost, Tournament. It is based off of C & D level skaters having a tournament they can compete in. If they don't play a team game and skate within the "speed of the game" they can be subject to "the ringer rule" which will limit them to 1 goal per game or removal from the tournament without refund. Make sure you are here to have fun and party like a Rockstar!

Rating 11-14 = "Drummer" -Potential or Former Rockstar's - Very solid all around C level skater, just below Ringer Status or an aging Rockstar that can still perform. 

Rating 6-10= "The Bass Player"- Every band has one of these and they usually don't stand out to much....Yep that is what this tournament is based on. Good fun loving hockey players that know the game and try to reproduce that on the ice. This group most likely plays on multiple teams and plays around a lower C / D level. There is a fine line between a 6 and a 10 so this will be the hardest group to rate, but also the largest group to rate.

Rating 1-5= "Lead Singer" -The Opening Act - No disrespect intended here but this group is either on their way up, "with no doubt all the best gear man can buy" or they are on their way down "with some true been there done that stories to tell".  Which ever way they are headed they are doing it with passion!

Sources of rating - are friends, teammates, opponents, and rink website Stats help determine this rating.


The Draft:

All players besides the Rockstar's will be placed in groups of 2 by the tournament based on their desired position and skill level. That will help balance the draft and speed up the process. If you wish to skate with a family member groups of 2 are the most we can accommodate.

The VIP players have already filled the first 3 spots on each team plus a goalie. The first round draft order will be based on the combined rating for all 4 VIP members.

Each Round we will re-seed based on combine team rating.

First Round - The Rockstar Round - Each team will choose a Rockstar for their roster. We will then re rank the teams for the next round based on combined team rating.

Second Round and Beyond - Group Round - Each team will pick any of the groups on the draft board until all groups are gone. We will re rank the teams after every round.

Here is the twist

The Fuck That Pass

***Sorry Rockstar's this cannot be used in the first round.***

THE INDIVIDUAL FUCK THAT PASS - With a 50 dollar donation to the Charity of Headbangers Brawl choice,  you can have the power to veto any team that drafts you and say thanks but “Fuck That”. That stops them from drafting you in that round and forces them to choose someone else. You can only do this once so group members need to have a plan.  If you use a “FUCK THAT “ pass, your group partner can not veto it. He or She is fucked. To use it all you have to do is yell it out or scream it out on the zoom meeting before the next pick is announced. Once you say it you are locked in to the donation. If you don't pay you will be tortured by a bunch of veterans with experience in waterboarding.

THE TEAM FUCK THAT PASS - With a 100 dollar donation to the Charity of Headbangers Brawl choice, you can have the power to block another teams draft pick, forcing them to choose another group. This is only good for round 2 and beyond. Only one "FUCK THAT " Team pass can be played in succession against the same team in the same round, however individual passes can be played at any time outside the Rockstar round. Once you yell it out your team is committed to the donation. You must agree among yourselves how to pay for it. Again, if you don't pay you will be tortured by a bunch of veterans with experience in waterboarding.

You have till the tournament starts to make your donation.

*** Trades are allowed at the draft with approval of both captains and the tournament director.***


3 Choices

VIP – tournament fee must be paid in full by all VIP members prior to getting assigned a team. Your team will consist of  3 skaters and a goalie. This lets you bring some skating buddies as a small core of the team. “These VIP spots typically sell out quick”

Deposit – 100.00 this gets you on the draft board and saves you a spot in the tournament.

Balance due – remaining tournament balance due two weeks after the draft. This date will vary and will be published by the tournament director.


Rules and Refunds

*** In the case of a pandemic or natural disaster Headbangers Brawl reserve the right make moves to keep everything balanced and keeping teams competitive.***

*** Full refunds are allowed up till 30 days prior to the event. Anything within 30 days will be handled on a case by case basis based on a replacement player on the wait list paying for your spot. ***

***If you are a ringer and somehow slide through the cracks and are not playing within the speed and skill of the game, we will evoke the ringer rule that only allows you to score 1 goal a game. If you still don't play within the speed and skill of the game Headbangers Brawl reserves the right to remove you from the tournament at any time without a refund***

*** No non tournament subs at any time. If a team falls below 10 skaters they may ask the tournament director to add players from other teams. This will need approval from the tournament director based on Headbangers Brawl discretion. Sometimes this happens last minute and we are unable to let all captain know prior to taking the ice. ***

*** You cannot sell your spot at any time for any reason or give your spot to another player. Work with the tournament director to help you if you need to cancel for any reason. ***

*** No Fighting! Yeah we are Headbangers Brawl but that doesn’t mean you can Brawl. Have Fun, Play hard, but cheap shots and fighters stay home. ***

Headbangers Brawl Tournament

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