about us

George Williams
Back in 2017 I relocated to Nashville and one of the first things I did was join a local beer league hockey team. Soon after joining my team we welcomed a new guy from Cali named Mike. We instantly hit it off because of our taste in old school metal and our love of the game. Our after game refreshments always lead to stories of tournament fun, concerts we have attended over the years and the comradery of just being at the rink. Little did Mike know that I had been thinking of creating something special. I discovered that beer league hockey was lacking an inclusive tournament for the new player, and the C / D level player that was just happy being on the ice and having a tournament that was “ringer free”! By no means is this a rip on the tons of skilled hockey players out there, because there were endless tournaments for them, but we wanted something geared towards lower skilled players that we could call our own. In 2019 I approached Mike with the concept of blending Metal with Hockey in a tournament atmosphere. With his amazing design skills and my organizational skills, we rolled out our proof of concept tournament the Big 4 Draft Tournament that featured Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer and Anthrax as teams. The jersey designs were incredible, and we had a really competitive hockey experience where there was no clear cut team that dominated. We also discovered this was a huge hit with the “novice” hockey community. We sold out our next tournament in 24 hours forcing us to expand to 8 teams. We knew we had something special with the demand for this next tournament and Headbangers Brawl Tournament Hockey was born. We promise to bring you exciting jersey designs honoring our Metal hero’s along with a balanced ringer free experience. Mike and I both have passion for Headbangers Brawl Hockey that will keep this rolling forward as an affordable hockey experience for the true beer league hockey players.